
Tuesday, November 27, 2007


I recently received some interesting information regarding feeding issues similar to Ryan's. It seems that another parent from one of my groups is going through the same thing with her child. They supplement with Liquid Zinc and have had good results; their child is trying new foods again. I am looking into finding some for Ryan to try; don't want to purchase anything bigger than a sample as you never know what flavor he will accept. I had heard that Kirkman Labs has it but it's raspberry and that isn't a flavor we've tried with Ryan. I know whatever we get it will have to be added to his formula or his bananas. Hopefully we can find something with very little taste or minimal taste. I also found it on Autism Coach but I believe they recommend that you mix it with a citrus juice and that's out for Ryan. I'm going to be trying some banana/apple juice with him this week to see if he will tolerate it. We've not had much luck with him drinking anything other than the Next Step formula.

On Thanksgiving I tried to get Logan to try some turkey. I have to give him credit, he did let me put a small piece in his mouth but then he just spit it right back at me. He did the same thing with the mashed potatoes. His teacher was able to get him to try some new GF/CF pretzels that another parent brought in to class. I think I may have to send new foods to school with him as she seems to have better luck getting him to try new things. I have been trying to get him to eat the waffles we bought but he's only eaten a few and then refuses the rest for me. If I send it to school in his lunch box for his morning snack he eats it with no fussing. Hmmmm I wonder what that is all about.

1 comment:

Maddy said...

I sent the new foods to school to [to help generalize] but I've not had much luck disguising things in what he already eats.
Best wishes