
Monday, October 22, 2007

Therapy and more trips

We had a good morning with all three therapies for Ryan. Ms. Corey was able to get him to eat a few bites of apples and plums with no bananas! She was also able to get him to eat two cheerios (hidden in the bananas of course) and a few licks on a lollipop. I have to be about the only mother who is THRILLED when told the baby licked a lollipop.

His gag reflex is still really close to the front of his tongue. She is working on it with him and so am I. The more we can get him to tolerate the better off he will be. They did get a piece of cellery in his mouth with a little bit of gagging. He didn't vomit at all this morning so it was a great session! He did great with Ms. Christime but he was tired and wanted to be done a little early so he kept telling her Bye Bye and giving kisses.

Ms. Cheryl was in with both the PT and the OT and he absolutely adores her. He wouldn't give her a kiss but he always lets her carry him to the car and put him in his car seat. He also lets her carry him in from the car too. I think Ms. Cheryl is always going to be the boys favorite therapist because they've known her a little longer and because she is just a super person. She loves them as much as they love her. We are very lucky!!

Well, we get to make another trip to Orlando on Thursday. Ryan is scheduled for his Genetic Testing so we have to be there around 12:45 to finish filling out paperwork. I'm not sure how long this will take and if it is the first of many visits or can they do it all in one appointment. I will be doing some more research this afternoon on this so hopefully I can let you all know soon. I had forgotten about this and made a parent/teacher conference with Logan's teacher for that afternoon. I'm not sure if I can make it back in time so will have to call them to check how long they expect the appointment to take and then make my decision on whether to reschedule p/t or not.

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