
Monday, December 17, 2007

Sleeping Update

Hopefully I won't jinx myself again. This past couple of weeks (closer to a month) have been pretty exhausting when it comes to the kids (boys) sleeping through the night. Logan and his sleeping in his own bed issues and lately Ryan and his teething issues. We've been taking shifts getting up with them. Curtis will get up with them when he doesn't have to get up in the morning to work and I get up with them the rest of the time. This past weekend I finally had a few brain cells come back to life. I had Curtis pick up an inflatable twin size mattress at Target. It was cheap, less than $20.00. He had the first night watch. I blew it up, put some sheets and a comforter on it and placed it in Logan's room. Curtis dealt with him getting up a couple of times but once he realized Daddy was in the room with him he got back into bed and slept.

At 3:30 Sunday morning Logan had enough and wanted a movie on or to go out to the couch in the playroom. I think they finally gave the movie up as a lost cause around 4:30 or so and moved into the playroom. Ryan woke up around 5:30 fussy and as I had a pretty good night sleep I got up with him. Last night it was my turn on the inflatable mattress. Logan woke up around 11;00 and when he heard me say "it's okay, Mommy's here" he went back to the bed and fell asleep. Since there is no clock or light in there it gets pretty dark. That mattress isn't made for adult usage and isn't very comfortable. I was awake early thinking I really need to used the bathroom but I'm afraid to get up and wake him. I finally had to move and when I passed through the kitchen I looked at the time. It was 6:15 a.m. he made it all the way through the night while waking up only one time!!!

Logan had a nice bubble bath last night and then I put some nice warm jammies as it was supposed to only be 35 degrees through the night. I'm not sure if it was the bubble bath (with Lavender and Chamomile) or the cooler night but either way he slept right through with only one hiccup. Tonight he's going to have another bubble bath, no sugar after 5:00 p.m. and hopefully with the lows in the 40's we can have another almost full night sleep!!

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