
Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Eating Issues

I thought we had made a slight breakthrough today. I gave Ryan some bananas with apricots and he ate the entire jar with no gags or anything. I pushed my luck a little later with some bananas, oatmeal and peaches. He made a few faces and acted like he wanted to push the spoon away but would open his mouth for the bite. I'd say we were half way through that jar and he started burping and it all came back up. The bottle, the food from earlier and everything he had just injested.

I should have known not to continue giving it to him but I was so happy about the earlier breakthrough that I pushed it just a little too far. It's hard to tell exactly when he is "saying I've had enough because I don't like it or I've had enough because I want to play". I feel like he needs to eat more but this issue he has with smell, taste and feel just doesn't allow him to try new things.

Logan was never like this when he was this age. He wanted to eat bread, any bread at all and he would eat anything with gluten in it and dairy. He also never gagged and only vomited when he had a stomach virus/bug. These two are so totally different in this area that I have to start all over again. I'm having to research a total different area with him regarding feeding issues. I've started reading the Autism Sourcebook and I'm hoping that I will find something in there that is similar to this. If not it's back to the drawing board.

We go to the neurologist tomorrow to get the EEG done and I'm going to mention it to her again and see if she can recommend any reading/research on this issue. I can't remember how long it took us to get the results when Logan had his EEG. I just remember that it was very stressful on us as I had to hold him the entire time and sing any songs that he liked over and over to keep him quiet enough for the test. I'm hoping that it won't be so hard with Ryan but somehow I don't think I will be getting what I want there.

Monday, September 24, 2007


Sorry that it has been so long since I last posted; we have been very busy with the kids starting back at school and Ryan's therapy and tests schedules. Ryan went to Early Intervention this past Friday and was seen by the Psychologist. She won't be testing him for Autism until he turns 30 months but she did give us some unwanted results. She saw characteristics of an Autistic disorder; repetitive motor mannerisms and play, selective interest in attention, inconsistent response to his name, and perseverative vocalizations.

We will be continuing with his occupational, physical and speech therapy. Ryan has issues with food. He can't stand certain smells, tastes and textures which makes meal time pure hell. I contacted his pediatrician in June when I first saw that he had issues. At that time, 16 months, he wasn't crawling normally, not attempting to walk and wasn't saying much of anything. At that time, I was a little concerned with food but I thought he was just a little picky about what he liked to eat. Boy was I wrong. I was filling out some paperwork for his big brother and came across the Early Intervention checklist. I picked it up and was mentally going through where Ryan was compared to Logan and stopped. I realized that although he was much more advanced in some areas than Logan was at that age, there were other issues.

Since starting the therapy at our local hospital, I've noticed a great improvement in Ryan. He is walking by himself. He no longer does the snake crawl. He didn't crawl normally until after he first attempted to pull himself along our couch. He was walking on his knees at first; seems his balance was better that way. He has since become more confident and now walks pretty well. He mimics lots of words. His favorite is Elmo and Barney or "Barbie" as he says. He sees a baseball game and immediately says "AFLAC"; gotta love that stupid AFLAC duck!

I think it will be easier for me to continue updating with Ryan until we can get to a stage where Logan is currently. Since he's going through it now, it will bring all the things we had to do with Logan back to me so I can note where/what we did and where we can improve things with Ryan.